Thursday, April 19, 2012

High Spirits

 Post from The Morning Whisper

Here we are in transition. As our understanding of the immortal nature of the soul given to us God improves, so does our awareness of a great power that emanates from within. Like the pounding pulse of the Risen Christ, we feel the presence of The Holy Spirit.

With each incremental step in the strength of our faith, we feel the power of this Spirit rise up to give us the courage to defend our faith to others. There is no other way, for we are weak and afraid, just as the Apostles were in the days right after the people of Jerusalem crucified Christ. This new found courage comes directly to us as a gift from the Holy Spirit. He is the third person of our Triune God.

Jesus knew that His Church would need The Spirit to grow. Through the scriptures written about the days following Christ's Resurrection we will hear many stories of the coming of the Spirit and the effects it had on the disciples of Christ.

What we learn from these readings gives us a better understanding of the presence of the Holy Spirit within our own selves. Yes, we need the Spirit to grow too. We need the Spirit to follow Christ's teachings. We need the Spirit to give us the courage to stand up for what we believe. Just as it was for the first apostles, we too are a part of the growing Church. It is the Spirit of God that raises our own spirits higher and higher until we reach the entrance to the Kingdom of God.

Most Holy Spirit, Beloved of my soul, I adore You.
Enlighten me, guide me, comfort me, console me.
I promise to submit myself to all You desire of me,
and permit all You wish to happen to me.
Give me Your orders, tell me what to do.
Most Holy Spirit, bring Peace to the world.

If you like this post, please be sure to share it.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


It was nice to flex my creative side and use images I purchased at CanStockPhoto to create website covers for my Love Relationship Repair Manuals at The message in every photo came through loud and clear. I used Adobe CS5 Photoshop and InDesign to pull each cover together.
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Monday, April 9, 2012

Finding the Secrets to True Love

Wring down the many secrets to creating a true love relationship is not as easy as you might think. Even after writing the book, I still struggle to use just the right words to get people to open the door to their heart and let my words inside. To get people to do that I found I had to find a way to establish a bond of trust between myself and them.

Unless you are content with just skimming the surface, at some point you have to make the plunge. I use this blog to keep my mind focused on the knowledge that I want my writings to reach as many people as possible.

Having already completed the book, I have not been posting to this blog as often as I should. As I regain my writing spirit and restore the discipline necessary to be a successful writer, I will be posting here more often. Love is important to me.

If you just need a pointer or two, or like to ponder the depths of True Love, come visit me here at what I call my Secret Blog. I promise it will be worth your while.

You can find my secrets blog at

Our Quest To Love and Be Loved

The beginning of my writing career started at the moment when I discovered the secrets to finding True Love. With that incredible moment to draw on, I launched myself into the unknown and started writing, confident I could share all I knew about love. My very first project was to write the definitive book containing all the secrets to true love. I completed it five years later and titled it Our Quest To Love and Be Loved.

It did take me all of five years to complete, and with it at least six revisions of the original draft. In the process that led to the final draft, I became a seasoned writer. Looking back, I realize now that I had probably picked the most intense and difficult subject I could have for my first project. It forced me to mature, not only in my writing style, but also in my ability to relate to people of all ages. It completely changed my view of the opposite sex, not to mention the very old and the very young too, as I had to draw on past experiences to fill in the 300+ pgs of what turned out to be a very serious endeavor.

Along the way I discovered that most people prefer to learn about love in small chunks, a few paragraphs or a phrase or two at a time. It is easier to digest that way, and leads to less guilt and self incrimination. I finished and published the book anyway, even while I knew that it would be difficult to read more than a few pages at a time. A bookmark turned out to be essential so I started to include one with every book purchased from my website.

If you are interested in the most complete and comprehensive study of love ever put down in writing, please visit my book website.

You will find my first book, Our Quest To Love and Be Loved at 

God Speaks To Us In Whispers

I am a religious person. That doesn't mean I am a fanatic who has tunnel vision, or someone who looks down on those who don't share their faith. Nor, am I a hypocrite who spouts the teachings of my religion while behaving in ungodly ways. What it means is that if you like me for who I am, you must accept the fact that my religion played a very important role in the formation of the person I aspire to be.

To deny the opportunity for such an important part of me to speak out in the written word would be like hiding my light under a bushel basket. Part of my faith is the belief that all my talents and gifts come to me from God. Using those writing talents in the service of that God is also part of my faith. Besides believing in Heaven and Hell, sinners and redemption, as well as that my God is a loving God, I give Him credit for all my success, and my personal happiness. That includes my writing.

If you are curious as to how successful I am as a religious writer join me by visiting me at my blog that I call The Morning Whisper. I try to spend a few minutes in the morning almost every day talking and listening to my God. It's about time I started writing down some of the things He whispers in my ear.

Please join me at

TrueLoveQuest Media

Of course, writers every now and then must sell a few copies of what they have written to support themselves and reap the rewards for their efforts. This is one of those websites where a sample of my work can be had for a mere 99¢. After writing a comprehensive book on the intricacies of true love and love relationships, the breaking up of the book into topic specific mini-books was a natural progression.

I call them Love Relationship Repair Manuals and they give the reader the opportunity to purchase one or two chapters of my book about love that they are most in need of at the moment. The ultimate goal is to have them purchase the entire book, but you can't argue with the marketing angle of getting your foot in the door first.

You will find each of these mini-books to be a true rendition of a chapter from Our Quest To Love and Be Loved. Even reading one chapter will change how you see love as a force to be reckoned with in your life. For 99¢ you can end up well on your way to a True Love relationship. Give a chapter a try.

They are available for download as a Kindle, eBook, and print ready PDF formats at my TrueLoveQuest Media website. 

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The One Minute Blog
In what I call my one minute blog, I sharpen my skills in getting it all said in under a minute. This is important. I have found that with the written word it is easy to ramble on and eventually bore your readers. With this blog the philosopher in me showed up fairly quickly.

The philosophy of the moment can vary from skeptic to optimist, happy to sad, realist to idealist. In this forum I can test my daily mood and discover what will work best for my next book (This Old Man says "I Told You So!") which will focus on teaching the young and foolish to be young and wise. It is a book of wisdom.

The address for this blog is