God Speaks To Us In Whispers

I am a religious person. That doesn't mean I am a fanatic who has tunnel vision, or someone who looks down on those who doesn't share my faith. Nor, am I a hypocrite who spouts the teachings of my religion while behaving badly in ungodly ways. What it means is that if you like me for who I am, you must accept the fact that my religion played a very important role in the formation of the person I aspire to be.

To deny the opportunity for such an important part of me to speak out in the written word would be like hiding my light under a bushel basket. Part of my faith is the belief that all my talents and gifts come to me from God. Using those writing talents in the service of that God is also part of my faith. Besides believing in Heaven and Hell, sinners and redemption, as well as that my God is a loving God, I give Him credit for all my success, and my personal happiness. That includes my writing.

If you are curious as to how successful I am as a religious writer join me by visiting me at my blog that I call The Morning Whisper. I try to spend a few minutes in the morning almost every day talking and listening to my God. It's about time I started writing down some of the things He whispers in my ear.

Please join me at http://www.TheMorningWhisper.com

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