Our Quest To Love and Be Loved

The beginning of my writing career started at the moment when I discovered the secrets to finding True Love. With that incredible moment to draw on, I launched myself into the unknown and started writing, confident I could share all I knew about love. My very first project was to write the definitive book containing all the secrets to true love. I completed it five years later and titled it Our Quest To Love and Be Loved.

It did take me all of five years to complete, and with it at least six revisions of the original draft. In the process that led to the final draft, I became a seasoned writer. Looking back, I realize now that I had probably picked the most intense and difficult subject I could have for my first project. It forced me to mature, not only in my writing style, but also in my ability to relate to people of all ages. It completely changed my view of the opposite sex, not to mention the very old and the very young too, as I had to draw on past experiences to fill in the 300+ pgs of what turned out to be a very serious endeavor.

Along the way I discovered that most people prefer to learn about love in small chunks, a few paragraphs or a phrase or two at a time. It is easier to digest that way, and leads to less guilt and self incrimination. I finished and published the book anyway, even while I knew that it would be difficult to read more than a few pages at a time. A bookmark turned out to be essential so I started to include one with every book purchased from my website.

If you are interested in the most complete and comprehensive study of love ever put down in writing, please visit my book website.

You will find my first book, Our Quest To Love and Be Loved at http://www.TrueLoveQuest.net 

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